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Deborah Davis
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Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To serve, mentor and care for others as a Christian Leader!

Ministry Journey

Deborah Davis is an ordained officiant minister with CLI. As an ordained officiant, she will be able to perform religious ceremonies, and ordinances of the church such as communions, baptisms, and weddings.

As an ordained minister she is qualified to serve as the leader of a church ministry.

She has a passion to serve the community and church!

This free ministry training is preparing her for the role of a minister. Without this free training, she would not have the knowledge she has gained. She does not know of anywhere else one can receive free, quality, ministry training.

Deidre (Sassman) Dominick
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bring revival to women.

Ministry Journey

Deidre (Sassman) Dominick is married and the mother of 2 incredible boys. The first encounter she had with God was when she was 6yrs old. She was got saved when I was 14. She is connected to a Pentecostal worldview.

She has always felt a strong desire to see not just revival in the church, but Christians receiving the revelation of the love of God and centering him in the church and in their lives.

Deidre as called over 15 years ago. She began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2018. She was also ordained in 2018.

First Name
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To encouragement and raise up revival Christian leaders!

Ministry Journey

Hi, My name is Lyle Delp, I live in Monroeton Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

I am working in the recovery area dealing with the street, prison and drug and alcohol addiction Ministries.

I have now Started a recovery Group through my Church using the New Life Recovery Bible.

I am also a new Penn State Master Gardner and am going to work with the Recovery group in the Gardens too, to use gardening to help the members to get closer to God!

I am now getting My Ordination as a Ministry Deacon for My Restored recovery meeting to help me to teach better. And also to help me grow in my ministry.

I have been asked by My Fire Chief and Asst. Fire Chief to Be our next Firehouse Chaplain when the one we have now stepped down, So I am hoping to figure out a way to do the Chaplin Minister Ordination for that. All kinds of doors have been opened up since I have been doing my studies through Christian Leaders Institute, I have never been so happy in my life I am finally moving in the right direction in my life. I have started to learn what my calling is and I love it.

Thank you so very much for everything and please pray that I am able to work out a way to pay for the Chaplin Minister Ordination course.

God Bless,

Lyle T. Delp

Emil Van Hoorebeke-kerekes
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more Christian Leaders in his nation

Ministry Journey

Emil Van Hoorebeke-kerekes became a Christian and Christ was rooted deeply in his personal walk. He has been called to ministry in UK.

Emil started Christian Leaders Institute in 2015 and was ordained in 2016. He is willing to assist Christian Leaders Institute student with their ministry training and ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

B37 6NP
Esihle Mboyana
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help raise up a new generation of revival leaders in South Africa

Ministry Journey

In October 2012, Esihle Mboyana with his wife, Maria, and daughter relocated to Johannesburg from Cape Town.

Esihle Mboyana was raised in a Christian home by a Godly single mother. He walked with the Lord early on but had a time of straying.

Then, on March 30, 2010, when a life shuttering occurrence came into his life. Only the Lord could revive and strengthen him during that period. On that day he took the walk of salvation much more seriously and re-accept/re-affirm my faith in Christ once again as my Lord and personal Savior.

Shortly after this, Esihle sensed the call into ministry. He began Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He was ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2017.

He is willing to mentor young Christian Leaders who are studying at Christian Leaders Institute. He will also help with ordination into the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To bring revival to the Leeds area of UK

Ministry Journey

George Abakah was born in Ghana West Africa and is currently living in the United Kingdom in the west Yorkshire area precisely in Leeds. He is a married man with three 3 kids and a lovely wife whom He thanks the almighty God for!

George was born into a Christian family and was going to church every Sunday with his family. As he grew older a friend introduced him into a deep walk with God. He moved to Europe in the early 2000s. God was calling him to ministry more and more.

George started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He is now ordained as an Officiant with the Christian Leaders Alliance. He would be willing to mentor other Christian Leaders Institute students and help them through the process of ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

George Mabaso
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Journey

Need more

Greg Davis
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders for Revival

Ministry Journey

Greg Davis is married to his wonderful wife Kendra and they have a son and daughter. He has walked with the Lord and sensed the calling into ministry, possibly full-time ministry someday.

He has been actively serving in ministry for many years now at this local church. He has been a leader in the Celebrate Recovery program.

Greg has led home and family Bible studies plus small groups for men.

Greg began Christian Leaders Institute in 2014, he was ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Students and graduate through their studies and through the ordination process with Christian Leaders Alliance.

Greg Gussy
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more revival leaders in Florida!

Ministry Journey

Greg Gussy is married and his one daughter. Greg was raised in a Catholic church but came to personal faith over a decade ago. He is involved with a non denominational church here in St Petersburg Florida where he lives.

He has sensed the calling to ministry and started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He was ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor graduates and student in their ministry training and through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.

Gregory Muthungu
First Name
Gregory Muthungu
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Gregory enrolled at CLI in 2013 and has completed 68 credit hours with a diploma in ministry.

Read Gregory's testimony HERE:

My name is Gregory Muthungu, founder and senior pastor of Bridge of Hope (a Church ministry), Kenya. I am 51 years old, husband to one wife, and a father to two daughters. My family and I currently reside in Kitengela town, Kajiado County, Kenya, about 30 km from Nairobi City. I hold a Bachelor Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Nairobi, and a Master degree in Geoinformatics from the ITC, the Netherlands. I am the seventh born in a family of five brothers and five sisters.

I grew up in a Christian family. My parents became Christians early in their lives. They were the first in our family line to become Christians. Our parents remained steadfast in their faith despite rejection by other family members who strongly held to African traditional beliefs. By the grace of God salvation came to our family in the early 1970s when our eldest brother got saved. Afterward, my elder brothers and sisters and our Mum also got saved. Eventually, I too got saved in 1980 at the age of 15 years.

I started getting involved in Christian ministry work about 22 years ago. Although I sensed the call of God in my life, I never wanted to be a Church leader, let along being a pastor. For a long time, I resisted the idea of becoming a pastor. But with time I came to learn that one does not just become a pastor, but he is made to become. It is God and people who made me become a pastor. I'm now comfortable to identify myself with the title Pastor.