Are you called to ministry? Are you looking for a minister credentialing program to help you be more effective in ministry? Christian Leaders Alliance grants minister credentials to those called to serve. There are three levels of training and minister credentialing to fit volunteer, part-time, and full-time minister roles. Each role has different course requirements.

After you complete the the requirements, you are welcome to specialize in specific topics depending on your calling. There are currently over 30 specializations.

Features of the Christian Leaders Alliance Program

  • Tuition-Free Ministry Training – The tuition-free ministry training courses consist of mini-courses,  skill courses, and academic courses. These courses are made possible through the Christian Leaders Institute. 
  • Local Endorsements – Each minister program requires a local endorsement component that helps confirm ministry fitness. This gives your credential more credibility.
  • Membership in the Christian Leaders Alliance – The Christian Leaders Alliance credentials thousands of ministers and is guided by the Christian Leaders Alliance Commission,
  • Inclusion in the International Minister Directory – The minister program and any specialization are publically recognized. See Directory.
  • Official Minister Documents – When you complete your selected minister credential role, you can order credential packages that recognize your minister credentialing journey.
  • Soul Center Registration – Any completed minister role is eligible to register a soul center. Soul Centers are local geographic ministry locations. There are six types of soul centers. They are Fellowship, Wedding Officiant, Ministry Practice, Church, Ministry, and Mentor Centers.

Minister Credential Program

The Levels of Training and Credentialing at Christian Leaders Alliance

How many Minister Roles does the Christian Leaders Alliance offer through Christian Leaders Institute? 

You can get ordained online through three levels of training, with Fifteen roles.

Diakonos (Primary Roles) 

Field Minister  – The Field minister builds on the Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant role and takes you one step further in being recognized as a minister. The Field Minister will also upgrade a local lay minister to a clergy status so that you can serve more effectively in your local church or community.  This is a top-rated program if you want to get ordained online through Christian Leaders Alliance. 

This role is ideal for: 

  • Retired Christians who want to serve
  • Church Elders
  • Church Deacons 
  • Business Leaders 
  • Home School Moms
  • More

Coaching Minister – Coaching Minister is a licensed clergy status program. You are considered a licensed minister who is also a coach or life coach. This program builds on the previous program as well. 

Licensed Minister – The Licensed Minister opens the door for you to minister in various ways in your church or community. This minister role is among the most popular minister roles at the Christian Leaders Institute. 

Licensed Ministry Chaplain – The Licensed Ministry Chaplain is perfect for those called to serve at local fire departments or civic organizations as volunteers. 

Ordained Minister – This minister role is the first ordination clergy role granted through Christian Leaders Alliance using the training at Christian Leaders Institute. This role allows you to do all the essential functions of ordained ministry.  You will need three recommendations for this role. 

Each of these roles includes specialization that can be added, such as youth or marriage. Click here for a list of specializations.

Advance in your Clergy Training and Recognition Journey

Next, look at “Prebuteros and Episcopos” roles offered through Christian Leaders Institute in partnership with Christian Leaders Alliance. 

All the following Prebuteros and Episcopos roles build on the previous clergy recognitions. You will be considered an ordained minister as your foundation. These roles help you go deeper and make you more confident and competent to serve in ministry.

Presbuteros (Advanced Ordained Roles) 

Evangelist – The Evangelist is trained in specialized courses in sharing Christianity. 

Professional Coaching Minister – This minister role credentials you with advanced minister training connected with your coaching training. 

Pastor/ Shepherd/ Priest – This role credentials you for advanced pastoral leadership in a local church. 

Bi-Vocational Pastor/ Shepherd/ Priest – This minister role is perfect for someone who seeks to pastor a local church as a bi-vocational pastor. 

Ordained Ministry Chaplain – This ministry chaplain role gives you more confidence and competence as you serve your community. 

Episcopos (Ministry Mastery Ordained Roles)

Commissioned Minister – This role prepares you to serve in many denominational minister programs. Check your local denomination for their specific requirements. 

Apostle/ Missionary – This role is for the spreaders of Christianity in their communities. This role gives advanced training about how to spread Christianity systematically. 

Minister of the Word – This Minister role gives you over 123 college training credits, explicitly focusing on most areas covered in ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute. In addition, the Minister of the Word is a super spreader of Christian influence. 

Kingdom Chaplain – The Kingdom Chaplain is a super spreader of ministry in minister-chaplain-appropriate areas. This role is ideal for a corporate chaplain or a Community developer. 


Please note these are not “instant ordinations” that you can buy; this is a rigorous credible program from a recognized online ministry training school and a recognized alliance of clergy leaders.


There are over thirty specializations that can be paired with all ministry roles. More on that later. Click here.


If God is calling you to become a volunteer, part-time, or full-time minister, please continue reading and seeking the Lord.

Christian Leaders Alliance will train and credential you in core minister roles that include Diakonos, Presbuteros, and Episcopos roles with over 30 specializations that meet more and more ministry needs.

General and specialized ministry needs exist in every community. As churches identify needs in the community, Christian Leaders Alliance will serve those churches to train and credential ministers to meet the needs and increase the impact of that local church.

Many of these specialized ministers will become movement leaders (bishop types). These movement leaders will recruit new ministers, many of whom come into ministry as volunteers or part-time ministers in a specialization.

Christian Leaders Alliance offers a “Minister Mobilization Process” to help find ways to mobilize more ministers in local communities.

Start Your Ministry Training and Credential Program. Click Here

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